Populism and World Politics

eBook - Exploring Inter- and Transnational Dimensions, Global Political Sociology

Erschienen am 11.01.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
148,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030046217
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 10.13 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This volume is the first to analyze populisms international dimension: its impact on, and interaction with, foreign policy and international politics. The contributions to this volume engage conceptual theoretical issues and overarching questions such as the still under-specified concept of populism or the importance of leadership and the mass media for populisms global rise. They zoom in on populisms effect on both different countries foreign policies and core international concerns, including the future of the liberal world order and the chances for international conflict and cooperation more generally. 


Frank A. Stengel is Research Fellow at the Research Group on International Political Sociology, Kiel University, Germany. 
David B. MacDonald is Professor of Political Science and Research Leadership Chair, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, at the University of Guelph, Canada.
Dirk Nabers is Professor of International Political Sociology at Kiel University, Germany.


1. Introduction: Analyzing the Nexus Between Populism and International Relations.- 2. Populism Beyond the Nation.- 3. How to Become a Leader: Identifying Global Scripts for Populist Leadership.- 4. Populism and contemporary global media: populist communication logics and the co-construction of transnational identities.- 5. Sedimented Practices and American Identity in Donald J. Trumps Election Campaign.- 6. The Populist Radical Right Goes Canadian: An Analysis of Kellie Leitchs Failed 2016-2017 Conservative Party of Canada Leadership Campaign.- 7. Populists and Foreign Policy: Evidence from Latin America.- 8. Making (Latin) America Great Again:  Lessons from Populist Foreign Policies in the Americas.- 9. Between Populism and Pluralism: Winston Peters and the International Relations of New Zealand First.- 10. Conceptualizing the Links between Populism, Nationalism and Foreign Policy: How Modi Constructed a Nationalist, Anti-establishment Electoral Coalition in India.- 11. The Liberal International Order and its Populist Adversaries in Russia, UK and USA.- 12. The global rise of populism as a socio-material phenomenon: a material-discursive entanglements in the construction of genetically modified organisms in the European Union.- 13. Populism and Trade: The 2016 US Presidential Election and the Death of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.- 14. Conclusion: Populism, Foreign Policy and World Politics.

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