Mobility, Spatiality, and Resistance in Literary and Political Discourse

eBook - Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies

Erschienen am 11.11.2021, Auflage: 1/2021
148,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030834777
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S., 3.78 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Mobility, Space, and Resistance: Transformative Spatiality in Literary and Political Discourse draws from various disciplinessuch as geography, sociology, political science, gender studies, and poststructuralist thoughtto posit the productive capabilities of literature in political action and at the same time show how literary art can resist the imposition and domination of oppressive systems of our spatial lives. The various approaches, topics, and types of literature discussed in this volume display a concern for social issues that can be addressed in and through literature. The essays address social injustice, oppression, discrimination, and their spatial representations. While offering interpretations of literature, this collection seeks to show how literary spaces contribute to understanding, changing, or challenging physical spaces of our lived world.


Christian Beck is an Associate Lecturer at the University of Central Florida, USA. He has published on a wide array of topics ranging from medieval English literature to graffiti and hacktivism. He recently published Spatial Resistance: Literary and Digital Challenges to Neoliberalism (2019) and is currently working on his next monograph, The Figure of the Vigilante: Concepts for Political and Social Justice.


1: Introduction: Resistance, the Outside, and the Creative Act, Christian Beck.- Part I: Mobility and Travel.- 1: The Chivalrous Nation: Travel and Ideological Exchange inSir Gawain and the Green Knight.- 2: Conjuring Roots in Dystopia: Reconciling Transgenerational Conflict in Nalo HopkinsonsBrown Girl in the Ring and Edwidge DanticatsBrother, Im Dying.- 3: Matriarchal Mobility: Generational Displacement and (En)Gendered Place in Marilynne RobinsonsHousekeeping.- 4: Colonial Advertising and Tourism in the Crosscurrents of Empire.- 5: Mobility and Remapping borders in Palestinian Womens Literature: Narratives of Resistance and Survival.- Part II: Backgrounds and Interiors.- 6: Interiorized Imperialism in Native American and Japanese American World War II Narratives.- 7: Turning the Earth, Changing the Narrative: Spatial Transformation in Frances E. W. HarpersIola Leroy, or Shadows Uplifted (1892).- 9: Woolf in the Background: Distance as Visual Philosophy, Then and Now.- 10: Representing the Slum in African Literatures: The Contingency of Political Possibility.- Part III: Radical Positions.- 11: A New Cartographer: Rabih Alameddine andAn Unnecessary Woman.- 12: Spaces of Resistance in Thomas Pynchons Later Novels.- 13: Trans(it) Spaces and Intimacy: A Literary Analysis of ChicusSoliloquy.- 14: A Spring of Pure Possibility: Harlem, Palestine, and Chester Himess Literature of Combat.- 15: Counter-narratives of Inevitability: Anti-capitalism and the Near Future in Mohsin HamidsExit West and Louise ErdrichsThe Future Home of the Living God.

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