Smiling in Slow Motion


Erschienen am 14.12.2017, Auflage: 1/2017
11,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473559066
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 400 S., 21.32 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


'For days now I have tried to start this diary, but the clatter of my existence has warned me off; the first mark on the page eludes me...'

Derek Jarman'sSmiling in Slow Motionconcludes the journey started inModern Nature, these previously unpublished journals stretch from May 1991 until a fortnight before his death in February 1994. Part diary, part observation, part memoir, Jarman writes with his familiar honesty, wry humour and acuity. Friends, collaborators and enemies are catalogued as he races through his last year painting, film-making, gardening, and annoying his targets through his involvement in radical politics.

Writing from his Charing Cross Road flat, on his visits to international film festivals, his world famous garden at Dungeness in Kent, and finally from his bed in St Bartholomew's Hospital, Jarman illuminates an era which seems more ephemeral and out-of-grasp with each passing day.

Smiling in Slow Motionis not a document of illness, regret and resignation, but one of endeavour, remembrance and love.


Derek Jarman- painter, theatre designer and filmmaker- held his first one man show at the Lisson Gallery in 1969. He designed sets and costumes for the theatre (Jazz Calendarwith Frederick Ashton andDon Giovanniat the Coliseum). He was production designer for Ken Russell's filmsThe DevilsandSavage Messiah, during which time he worked on his own films in Super 8 before making his features:Sebastiane(1975),Jubilee(1977) andThe Tempest(1979). From 1980 he returned to painting (a show at the ICA) and design (The Rake's Progresswith Ken Russell in Florence), and made the filmsCaravaggio(1986),The Last of England(1987),War Requiem(1988),The Garden(1990),Edward II(1991),Wittgenstein(1992) andBlue(1993). His books include:Dancing Ledge(1984),The Last of England(1987; now republished by Vintage under the title the author intended for it,Kicking the Pricks),Modern Nature(1991),At Your Own Risk(1992) andChroma(1994). Derek Jarman died in February 1994.

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