Peacock and Vine - Cover

Peacock and Vine

eBook - Fortuny and Morris in Life and at Work

Erschienen am 07.07.2016, Auflage: 1/2016
11,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473524934
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 192 S., 49.01 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


This ravishing book opens a window onto the lives, designs, and passions of two charismatic artists. Born a generation apart, they were seeming opposites: Mariano Fortuny, a Spanish aristocrat thrilled by the sun-baked cultures of Crete and Knossos; William Morris, a British craftsman, in thrall to the myths of the North. Yet through their revolutionary inventions and textiles, both men inspired a new variety of art, as vibrant today as when it was first conceived. Acclaimed writer A.S. Byatt traces their genius right to the source.

The Palazzo Pesaro Orfei in Venice is a warren of dark spaces leading to a workshop where Fortuny created his designs for pleated silks and shining velvets. Here he worked alongside the French model who became his wife and collaborator, including on the Delphos dress a flowing gown evoking classical Greece.

Morriss Red House, outside London, with its Gothic turrets and secret gardens, helped inspire his stunning floral and geometric patterns; it also represented a coming together of life and art. But it was Kelmscott Manor in the English countryside that he loved best even when it became the setting for his wifes love affair with Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

Generously illustrated with the artists beautiful designs pomegranates and acanthus, peacock and vine A.S. Byatt brings the visions and ideas of Fortuny and Morris dazzlingly to life.


A.S. Byatt is a novelist, short-story writer and critic of international renown. Her novels includePossession(winner of the Booker Prize 1990), the Frederica Quartet andThe Childrens Book, which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize and won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction. She was appointed CBE in 1990 and DBE in 1999, and was awarded the Erasmus Prize 2016 for her inspiring contribution to life writing and the Pak Kyongni Prize 2017. In 2018 she received the Hans Christian Andersen Literature Award.


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