The Time Traveller's Guide to Restoration Britain

eBook - Life in the Age of Samuel Pepys, Isaac Newton and The Great Fire of London

Erschienen am 06.04.2017, Auflage: 1/2017
9,49 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448191970
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 480 S., 27.50 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


The past is a foreign country: this is your guidebook.

If you could travel back in time, the period from 1660 to 1700 would make one of the most exciting destinations in history. It is the age of Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London; bawdy comedy and the libertine court of Charles II the civil wars are over and a magnificent new era has begun.

But what would it really be like to live in Restoration Britain? Where would you stay and what would you eat? How much should you pay for one of those elaborate wigs? Should you trust a physician who advises you to drink fresh cows urine to cure your gout? Why are boys made to smoke in school? And why are you unlikely to get a fair trial in court?

The third volume in the series of Ian Mortimers bestselling Time Travellers Guides answers these crucial questions and encourages us to reflect on the customs and practices of daily life. This unique guide not only teaches us about the seventeenth century but makes us look with fresh eyes at the modern world.


Dr Ian Mortimer is theSunday Timesbestselling author ofTheTime Travellers Guide to Medieval EnglandandThe Time Travellers Guide to Elizabethan England, as well as four critically acclaimed medieval biographies, and numerous scholarly articles on subjects ranging in date from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries. His work on the social history of medicine was published by the Royal Historical Society and won the Alexander Prize.

Mortimer is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He also writes historical novels. He lives with his wife and three children in Moretonhampstead, on the edge of Dartmoor.

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