Roger Fry

eBook - Vintage Lives

Erschienen am 26.02.2015, Auflage: 1/2015
9,49 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448181896
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S., 0.39 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Virginia Woolf was a close friend of Roger Fry for many years - after his death she wrote this loving account of his passion for art, his own painting, and his challenging critical theories. Born in 1866, he was primarily responsible for bringing the post-Impressionist movement to Britain, organising the first exhibitions and establishing the Omega workshops: he was also curator of the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art in New York. Virginia Woolf describes his career and also brings to life Fry's private self, his pain, his resilience, his generosity of spirit, which made him such a powerful influence on his own and future generations.


Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882, the daughter of Sir Leslie Stephen, first editor ofThe Dictionary of National Biography. After his death in 1904 Virginia and her sister, the painter Vanessa Bell, moved to Bloomsbury and became the centre of 'The Bloomsbury Group'. This informal collective of artists and writers which included Lytton Strachey and Roger Fry, exerted a powerful influence over early twentieth-century British culture.

In 1912 Virginia married Leonard Woolf, a writer and social reformer. Three years later, her first novelThe Voyage Outwas published, followed byNight and Day(1919) andJacob's Room(1922). These first novels show the development of Virginia Woolf's distinctive and innovative narrative style. It was during this time that she and Leonard Woolf founded The Hogarth Press with the publication of the co-authoredTwo Storiesin 1917, hand-printed in the dining room of their house in Surrey. Between 1925 and 1931 Virginia Woolf produced what are now regarded as her finest masterpieces, fromMrs Dalloway(1925) to the poetic and highly experimental novelThe Waves(1931). She also maintained an astonishing output of literary criticism, short fiction, journalism and biography, including the playfully subversiveOrlando(1928) andA Room of One's Own(1929) a passionate feminist essay. This intense creative productivity was often matched by periods of mental illness, from which she had suffered since her mother's death in 1895. On 28 March 1941, a few months before the publication of her final novel,Between the Acts, Virginia Woolf committed suicide.


'Virginia Woolf is a great writer: Her voice is distinctive; her style is her own' Jeanette Winterson

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