
eBook - One Man and the Battle for Rio

Erschienen am 17.09.2015, Auflage: 1/2015
8,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448181575
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S., 10.02 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


'Breaking BadmeetsCity of God' Roberto Saviano, author ofGomorrah

HUSBAND. This is the story of an ordinary man who became the king of the largest slum in Rio, the head of a drug cartel and Brazils most notorious criminal. FATHER. A man who tried to bring welfare and justice to a playground of gang culture and destitution, while everyone around him drew guns and partied. DRUG LORD. Its a story of gold-hunters and evangelical pastors, bent police and rich-kid addicts, politicians and drug lords and the battle for the beautiful but damned city of Rio. MOST WANTED CRIMINAL.


Glenny is a distinguished investigative journalist and historian. As the Central Europe Correspondent first for theGuardianand then for the BBC, Glenny chronicled the collapse of communism and the wars in the former Yugoslavia. He has won several major awards for his work, including the Sony Gold Award for outstanding contribution to broadcasting and is the author of five books, including the acclaimedMcMafiaandDarkMarket.



An explosive vision of contemporary Brazil"s underbelly by one of our greatest investigative reporters

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