City of London - Cover

City of London

eBook - The History

Erschienen am 31.12.2011, Auflage: 1/2011
19,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448114726
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 704 S., 3.75 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


David Kynaston's ground-breaking history of the City of London, published in four volumes between 1994 and 2001, is a modern classic. Skilfully edited into a single volume by David Milner, it tells a story as dramatic as any novel, while explaining the mysteries of the financial world in a way that we can all understand.

This is a story of booms, busts and bankruptcies, dress codes, eating habits, pay, humour, changing architecture and the unique culture of the Square Mile which brings us up to the modern age.


David Kynaston was born in Aldershot in 1951. After graduating from New College Oxford, he studied at the London School of Economics. A professional historian, in addition to the four-volumeThe City of London, his works includeKing Labour: A History of the British Working Class, 1850-1914, histories of theFinancial Timesand the stockbrokers Cazenove&co., and the first two volumes in a planned history of Britain between 1945 and 1979,Austerity Britain, 1945-51andFamily Britain, 1951-57.

David Milner, editor of this volume, was born in 1971. After postgraduate work at university he became an editor for Secker&Warburg at Random House. He now works as a freelance editor for leading publishers, and lives in the Cotswolds with his wife and two children.


'No one knows more secrets about the City of London than David Kynaston ... about what goes on behind the copper-plate facades of old City firms, or in the boardrooms of the gleaming glasshouses. Kynaston is the historian of the City" - Sunday Express

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