Scotland - Cover


eBook - a New History

Erschienen am 31.07.2011, Auflage: 1/2011
14,99 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446475638
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 528 S., 6.93 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


From Bannockburn and Robert the Bruce to the union of the crowns and Mary, Queen of Scots; from the Reformation and John Knox, to the Enlightenment and the Highland Clearances, and right up to devolution,Scotlandis the definitive history of a country that has experienced centuries of dramatic change.

Michael Lynch, named as 'one of the most influential historians in Scotland of the last thirty years', has penned an extraordinary one-volume history of the country that spans twenty centuries, from the Picts to the present day.

Thrilling, comprehensive, provocative and timely,Scotlandis a monumental work of scholarship.


Michael Lynch is an Honorary Fellow in the School of Historical Studies at the University of Leicester, UK. His research interests are in modern European and Chinese history and his recent publications include: Mao (2004), Modern China (2006), Autocracy to Communism: Russia 1894-1941 (2008), and Nazi Germany (2012).

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