Fugitives And Refugees

eBook - A Walk Through Portland, Oregon

Erschienen am 31.10.2010, Auflage: 1/2010
8,49 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781409058984
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 176 S., 0.49 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Want to know where Chuck Palahniuk's tonsils currently reside?

Been looking for a naked mannequin to hide in your kitchen cabinets?

What goes on at the Scum Center?

How do you get to the Apocalypse Cafe?

In the closest thing he may ever write to an autobiography, Chuck Palahniuk provides answers to all these questions and more as he takes you through the streets, sewers, and local haunts of Portland, Oregon. According to Katherine Dunn, author of the cult classic Geek Love, Portland is the home of America's "fugitives and refugees." Get to know these folks, the "most cracked of the crackpots," as Palahniuk calls them, and come along with him on an adventure through the parts of Portland you might not otherwise believe actually exist.

Here are strange personal museums, weird annual events, and ghost stories. Tour the tunnels under downtown Portland. Visit swingers' sex clubs, gay and straight. See Frances Gabe's famous 1940s Self-Cleaning House. Look into strange local customs like the I-Tit-a-Rod Race and the Santa Rampage. Learn how to talk like a local in a quick vocabulary lesson. Get to know, I mean really get to know, the animals at the Portland zoo.

Oh, the list goes on and on.


Chuck Palahniukis the bestselling author of fifteen fictional works, includingFight Club,Invisible Monsters,Survivor,Choke,Lullaby,Diary,Haunted,Rant,Pygmy,Tell-All,Damned,Doomed,Beautiful You, and most recentlyMake Something Up. He lives in the Pacific Northwest.


By the author of Fight Club.

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