Stanley in Africa

eBook - The Wonderful Discoveries and Thrilling Adventures of the Great African Explorer, and Other Travelers, Pioneers and Missionaries

Erschienen am 13.06.2022, Auflage: 1/2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547063797
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 10543 S., 11.87 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Stanley in Africa is a book by James Penny Boyd. A volume of travel, exploration and adventure that isn't without instruction, we delve into to the deepest and most treacherous regions of Africa during the 19th century.


James P. Boyd was an American author known for his contribution to literature that explores historical narratives and biographical accounts. Primarily writing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Boyd's work often reflects the spirit of exploration and the fervent curiosity of his time. Perhaps his most well-known work is 'Stanley in Africa', a compelling account of the famed explorer Henry Morton Stanley and his adventures through the African continent. The book narrates Stanley's perilous journey in search of Dr. David Livingstone and the subsequent expeditions that carved his name into the annals of exploration history.Boyd's literary style is characterized by a blend of meticulous research and engaging storytelling, which captures both the factual rigor of historical events and the human experiences behind them. In 'Stanley in Africa', Boyd not only chronicles the events but also delves into the broader implications of exploration during the era of European colonial expansion. While the biographical genre has greatly evolved since Boyd's time, his work remains a resource for those interested in the historical contexts and sociopolitical nuances of the Age of Exploration. Unfortunately, limited information about Boyd's life and other literary contributions makes it challenging to construct a comprehensive author biography beyond his association with this seminal work.

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